Everyone dreads going to the salon because its always the worry about if the hair style you picked is the right one. How do you really tell? Do you ask your stylist? Do you look on the internet? I am going to tell you some tricks your should know before picking out your perfect hair style.



  1. Figure out your face shape. Is it Round, Heart shaped, Oval, Square, Long, Dimond, or Triangle?
  2. What type of hair do you have? Corse, Thin, Soft, Wavy, Straight or naturally Kinky?
  3. What are you looking for our of your hair? Volume, Flat, Smooth?
  4. Are you willing to put the effort in every day to style it?
  5. Do you want to curl it or leave it straight?
  6. What features are you looking to show?
  7. What features are you trying to hide?
  8. Do you have a receding hair line?
  9. Do you have a prominent forehead?
  10. Do you want bangs?


These are just 10 of the things you should ask yourself before you decide or are nervous to decide what haircut you should get. Then you have to go the question of what color do you go if you decide to color it?

A tip! Look at your vein in your arm under natural light. Does it appear green or blue? If it appears green you have warm toned skin. Is it Blue? You have cool toned skin. The rule of thumb is you should most likely be close to your natural color but if you feel it look dal then maybe you should dye it to add some shine and up the color a shade.

     A good stylist should be able to tell it all from your skin color, to your vein, to your eye color and your age. Consult your stylist and she/he will tell you.


Come down to siroccos salon & day spa so we can help you pick a colour.

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