This is a ideas disguise to how not wash your hair and discus greasy unwanted roots and greasy ends. Follow these ideas and hide these roots and ends.
Idea One! Use a baby powder, or Talcum powder. Section your hair into small parts and then sprinkle a bit of one of these and rub it in your hair. Comb it through and style it. This will give you volume and hide these greasy roots.
Idea Two! Put a head ban or a scarf and tie it on top of your head with a messy bun and you have a look! This will hide your roots well still concealing your hair to make it look like you woke up like that or did it on purpose.
Idea Three! How about a Floppy Hat? When you are having a gross hair day you want to do nothing but put on a hat. Why not put on a floppy hat and hide these root! You may not feel great but you can look great!
Idea Four! If you section your hair just like if you were to use a dry shampoo or baby powder ect, and blot your hair line like you would your face.
Idea Five! Add heat! They always say the second or third day is the better day to add curl your hair. It will give you body and volume and hide your roots. Add some backcombing and your ready to hit the run way! Also try putting the blow dryer through your hair so you can dry out the greasy roots before adding curl.
Idea Six! Braid, tieback or twist your hair so when people look at your hair they see a master piece not a greasy piece.
Idea Seven! Put your hair into a half up bun. This will pull you hair back at your roots and still leave your bottom half to give you that length.
Idea Eight! This one is going to be like the half up bun and then braid idea but braid back your hair so you have just the top of your hair and then put in the bun. It disguise your roots and looks super cute!
Idea Nine! Back comb your roots! If you back comb your roots you will gain the volume and create the allusion you just showered.
Idea Ten! The last idea I have for you. Lightly twist your hair the night before and go to sleep with your hair twisted. When you wake up your hair will have a sudden wave in it and look like you just left the beach.
Keep in mind not all of these methods will work on all hair types. Curly hair will work with different methods the straight and same with colour. I hope we could help you out. Call Siroccos salon and Day Spa 403.249.7373 and get your hair wash and styled and ready for how ever many days before you can wash it again.